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   The metallurgical science is a science which is the integral and major part of materiology and studies(investigates) interrelation between a chemical compound, structure and properties of metals, and also influence on the given factors of mechanical, thermal and other influences.

  Owing to development of metallurgical science every year in technics(technical equipment) there are the new constructional and tool materials, differing higher complex of physical, chemical and mechanical properties that is a necessary condition for development of the world(global) industry. Such areas of the modern industry as mechanical engineering, aircraft construction, rocket production, shipbuilding, the military and nuclear industries constantly demand materials with higher complex of properties.  

  Reception of a new material with new properties is enough labour-intensive process of development and test of materials which can be tightened(delayed) for some years and even decades. That is why from time to time the materiology brakes development of other areas of the industry.
   There are two methods of reception of materials with the advanced properties:
  1. Change of a mode of processing of the given alloy, development of more progressive technology of reception of the given product
  2. Development of a new material, an alloy with essentially new structure and properties

  The choice of this or that method depends on many factors and underlies metallurgical science.

   Recently wide application was found with composite materials on the basis of metals, polymers and ceramics. Fairly it is considered, that the future of metallurgical science behind composite materials. The given materials open huge open spaces for development of new materials. Such directions, as thermomechanical processing, химико - thermal processing of metals, reception of layered and other materials develop.

   The modern metallurgical science requires the newest, creative decisions and development to that a strong push can give in-depth study of powder metallurgy.

   The primary goal of an iron and steel industry consists in providing needs(requirements) of a developing industry with smaller quantity(amount) of metal products due to sharp increase of its(her) quality, increase of mechanical and operational properties.

The computer science is not one science with precisely certain subject and a method, and very wide sphere which has arisen on a joint of several fundamental and applied disciplines.
   Recently huge rates information technologies develop, which ( not cancelling fundamental bases) considerably change both our representations about computer science, and a real parity(ratio) of actual sections for a society, processes, the phenomena, concepts of this sphere.
   In this connection it is represented to the extremely important as it is possible to integrate more deeply information technologies into a science, in particular in metallurgical science. It will allow in hundreds and thousand times to reduce time for processing of the information, to receive more authentic results, always to have near at hand necessary databases, to develop models of behaviour of materials in those or other conditions.

  On a site it is possible to familiarize with properties of some materials, with features of technologies of processing of metals.
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   The section Ridiculous people shines(covers) curriculum vitaes and interesting episodes from a life of great people.

   In the Guest book you can express the opinion or ask questions interesting you.


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